Benefits of plants. Benefits of cinnamon plant . we return to the herbal, to deal with increasingly soaring drug prices. With herbs always healthy always. Herbal without any side effects with the risk that small sanyat than chemical drugs. Back kealam around, to create a healthy life always.
Konan herbal medicine is only spread from the mouth of the mouth. Indeed, herbal healing takes time but the risk is small, while the chemical drug with a rapid recovery but subsequent health risk if too much mengomsumsi. For safer use of herbal medicine that is around us. one example is all around us herbal cinnamon, topics to be discussed this time.
Cinnamon is a spice in the form of bark are commonly used Indonesian society in everyday life. Besides as a flavor enhancer and a cake-making, since he had known for a variety of properties. Do not stop there, also cinnamon, it has become part of the raw materials in herbal medicine and beauty industry.
Chemical properties of cinnamon is warm, spicy, fragrant, and slightly sweet. Meanwhile, among other chemical content of essential oil, safrole, sinamadehide, eugenol, tannin, resin, calcium oksanat, and tanning substances. This plant is suitable cultivated in the tropics with annual rainfall 2000-3000 mm per year with high air kelembahan and a short dry season
He can grow well in areas up to 2,000 meters altitude above sea level. From the results of research conducted by the Research Institute for Spices and Medicinal Plants located in Monaco Lembang garden experiment, suggesting that the amount and quality of cinnamon bark strongly influenced factors of plant spacing, fertilization, plant age when harvested, and how to harvest it.
Harvest the best way by paring the skin without cutting down the tree. Because votes can give hope that good in terms of production and plant functions as a preservative soil and water. In addition, to support the greening program without reducing its value as an export commodity.,When mixed with cinnamon, cooking, will add a fresh and delicious cuisine.
However, the provision of cinnamon in the dish should be the correct amount. For example, for cooking soup, mix the cinnamon sticks about 5 cm to one liter of liquid material. For bread, cakes or anything else, simply add at least a teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
Typically, the flavor and aroma of cinnamon powder sharper than cinnamon sticks. However, cinnamon powder can not survive long because of cinnamon powder can easily be damaged and be bland aroma of cinnamon.
According to an expert on herbal medicine, Prof. Hembing Wijayakusuma, cinnamon efficacious drug for gout, high blood pressure, heartburn, no appetite, headache (Vertigo), colds, diarrhea, flatulence, vomiting, gernia, constipation, asthma, ulcers, urinary pain, and others. In addition, cinnamon has pharmacological effects that are needed in medicine.
Bark, leaves, and roots can be used as an antirheumatic drug, peluruh sweat (diaphoretik), laxative fart (Carminative), increased appetite (Istomachica), and relieve pain.
Here are some of the properties of cinnamon herb:
1. To treat high blood pressure: Take two fingers of cinnamon, 10 grams trengguli acid, 10 grams kencur, sena leaves 15 grams and 20 grams of sage leaves. Then, boil with 500 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc. The water is filtered and drunk while warm. Other recipes: 1 finger cinnamon, 10 grams trengguli acid, 60 grams of corn, and 30 grams of celery leaves, boiled with 600 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc. The water is filtered and dinimum while warm.
2. For uric acid: take the thumb of cinnamon, 5 grams of nutmeg, cardamom 5 grains, 5 grains clove, 200 grams of red sweet potatoes, 10 grains of pepper, ginger and 15 grams of red. Herbs are boiled with 1500 cc of water, and allow it to remaining 500 cc. Then filtered and add 200 cc of liquid milk and drinking water. Another recipe: Seibu ring finger, 15 grams of red ginger, 5 grams of nutmeg, cardamom 5 egg, 5 egg cloves and bay leaves 4 duck bill. Boil these ingredients with 600 cc of water until the water remaining 300 cc. After that, the cooking water is filtered and drunk.
3. To overcome flatulence and colds: Take 5 grams of cinnamon, 10 grams of ginger, 5 grains clove, pulasari 5 grams, 5 grams of fennel, 5 grams of nutmeg, and brown sugar to taste. Herbs are boiled in 800 cc of water and leave it to the remaining 450 cc. Then filtered and drunk while warm, 150 cc. Do it three times a day.
4. For drugs mag: boil 10 grams of cinnamon with 200 cc of water and allow it to remain 100 cc, then filtered and drunk while warm.
5. To treat diarrhea: Take 5 grams of cinnamon and 5 pieces of guava leaves. Herbs are boiled with 600 cc of water and leave until remaining 300 cc. Water mixture is filtered and added sugar to taste, then taken twice a day, 150 cc.
Indeed, when compared to modern chemical drugs, traditional medicine is believed to be relatively safe. At least, Prof. Hembing Wijayakusuma prove the efficacy of cinnamon reliable.
Konan herbal medicine is only spread from the mouth of the mouth. Indeed, herbal healing takes time but the risk is small, while the chemical drug with a rapid recovery but subsequent health risk if too much mengomsumsi. For safer use of herbal medicine that is around us. one example is all around us herbal cinnamon, topics to be discussed this time.
Cinnamon is a spice in the form of bark are commonly used Indonesian society in everyday life. Besides as a flavor enhancer and a cake-making, since he had known for a variety of properties. Do not stop there, also cinnamon, it has become part of the raw materials in herbal medicine and beauty industry.
Chemical properties of cinnamon is warm, spicy, fragrant, and slightly sweet. Meanwhile, among other chemical content of essential oil, safrole, sinamadehide, eugenol, tannin, resin, calcium oksanat, and tanning substances. This plant is suitable cultivated in the tropics with annual rainfall 2000-3000 mm per year with high air kelembahan and a short dry season
He can grow well in areas up to 2,000 meters altitude above sea level. From the results of research conducted by the Research Institute for Spices and Medicinal Plants located in Monaco Lembang garden experiment, suggesting that the amount and quality of cinnamon bark strongly influenced factors of plant spacing, fertilization, plant age when harvested, and how to harvest it.
Harvest the best way by paring the skin without cutting down the tree. Because votes can give hope that good in terms of production and plant functions as a preservative soil and water. In addition, to support the greening program without reducing its value as an export commodity.,When mixed with cinnamon, cooking, will add a fresh and delicious cuisine.
However, the provision of cinnamon in the dish should be the correct amount. For example, for cooking soup, mix the cinnamon sticks about 5 cm to one liter of liquid material. For bread, cakes or anything else, simply add at least a teaspoon of cinnamon powder.
Typically, the flavor and aroma of cinnamon powder sharper than cinnamon sticks. However, cinnamon powder can not survive long because of cinnamon powder can easily be damaged and be bland aroma of cinnamon.
According to an expert on herbal medicine, Prof. Hembing Wijayakusuma, cinnamon efficacious drug for gout, high blood pressure, heartburn, no appetite, headache (Vertigo), colds, diarrhea, flatulence, vomiting, gernia, constipation, asthma, ulcers, urinary pain, and others. In addition, cinnamon has pharmacological effects that are needed in medicine.
Bark, leaves, and roots can be used as an antirheumatic drug, peluruh sweat (diaphoretik), laxative fart (Carminative), increased appetite (Istomachica), and relieve pain.
Here are some of the properties of cinnamon herb:
1. To treat high blood pressure: Take two fingers of cinnamon, 10 grams trengguli acid, 10 grams kencur, sena leaves 15 grams and 20 grams of sage leaves. Then, boil with 500 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc. The water is filtered and drunk while warm. Other recipes: 1 finger cinnamon, 10 grams trengguli acid, 60 grams of corn, and 30 grams of celery leaves, boiled with 600 cc of water to the remaining 200 cc. The water is filtered and dinimum while warm.
2. For uric acid: take the thumb of cinnamon, 5 grams of nutmeg, cardamom 5 grains, 5 grains clove, 200 grams of red sweet potatoes, 10 grains of pepper, ginger and 15 grams of red. Herbs are boiled with 1500 cc of water, and allow it to remaining 500 cc. Then filtered and add 200 cc of liquid milk and drinking water. Another recipe: Seibu ring finger, 15 grams of red ginger, 5 grams of nutmeg, cardamom 5 egg, 5 egg cloves and bay leaves 4 duck bill. Boil these ingredients with 600 cc of water until the water remaining 300 cc. After that, the cooking water is filtered and drunk.
3. To overcome flatulence and colds: Take 5 grams of cinnamon, 10 grams of ginger, 5 grains clove, pulasari 5 grams, 5 grams of fennel, 5 grams of nutmeg, and brown sugar to taste. Herbs are boiled in 800 cc of water and leave it to the remaining 450 cc. Then filtered and drunk while warm, 150 cc. Do it three times a day.
4. For drugs mag: boil 10 grams of cinnamon with 200 cc of water and allow it to remain 100 cc, then filtered and drunk while warm.
5. To treat diarrhea: Take 5 grams of cinnamon and 5 pieces of guava leaves. Herbs are boiled with 600 cc of water and leave until remaining 300 cc. Water mixture is filtered and added sugar to taste, then taken twice a day, 150 cc.
Indeed, when compared to modern chemical drugs, traditional medicine is believed to be relatively safe. At least, Prof. Hembing Wijayakusuma prove the efficacy of cinnamon reliable.
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